Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Trayce & Shaun

This engagment session was a blast!!! Here's some of the previews...
Oh, and I think I figured out the Blogger uploading issue ;)

Fall in Southern Indiana

Thought we'd head out an scope out some cool spots around town. It sure has been beautiful!!! The kiddo is my travelocity gnome, per se; ) Only I wish when you said, "Hey, mom is over here!" they wouldn't make faces like they've been duct taped to the scenery!!! Thanks Shannon for that analogy, boy does that sum it up!

PS. I wish Blogger didn't take a bloomin' eon uploading photos!!! Am I missing something?

Friday, October 9, 2009

Jeremy & Ashley

Thank you guys for sharing your day with us!

More from the dunes...

I just wanted to thank our friends Donovan and Kate for being the most patient of all our photo guineau pigs. You guys always rock!!

I'm also very happy to have our Tamron wide angle back. Yippie! It suffered quite an event earlier this summer. The camera took a tumble, but the lense caught the bulk of the impact. Luckily the folks at the company put humpty-dumpty back together again for a fair price. :) Can't wait to break it back out.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Indiana Dunes

Here's some pics from our recent trip to Merriville Indiana to visit some dear friends of ours. The toddler loved the sand! Oh, and somebody suggested that view of the Chicago was much better atop Mt. Baldy. Oh boy!!! Well, we didn't get the view of the city b/c of fog and atomosphere, but the resulting pics were wonderful anyway. :)