Tuesday, July 5, 2011

General Butler State Park

Bethany & Brad, congratulations!!!!!

General Butler State Park & Richwood Plantation

Never spent too much time in Carrollton, KY or the park there, but recently I had an engagement shoot. A very sweet gal I used to work with is getting married this fall and she picked some places out in the park. She and her man rocked it ;) I'll definately be using the park again! Plus, KY state parks are FREEEEEEEEE!!! Indiana is $5 (the pass for the year is about $35 I think, can't remember!) On the way back the sun was setting so perfectly and everything just sparkled. It was beautiful! The reason I fell in love with this place! I stopped and took some extra pics of Richwood Plantation, the old riding academy in Milton, KY and also at the bottom of the Milton-Madison Bridge, which is slated to be replaced here in a year or so.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Andrea & Ryan

February 12, 2011,
Our first wedding of the year! It was held across the river at the Richwood Plantation. It's a beautiful place! This is the second wedding we've shot there and the THIRD wedding where we've had the family puppy as the ring bearer! :) We love puppies too, so it was great fun. The bride's hair was done by the Aveda Salon on Main Street here in Madison, the dress from Rebecca's Wedding Boutique, catering by the Red Pepper Deli (rehearsal) and The Rolling Pin (reception). The DJs were excellent, must find they're info!!! It was too cold outside, so we did group portraits in the mansion. Really, that place is beautiful! Oh, and the bride and groom had the neatest guestbook. When guests arrived they signed a circle on a painted tree the couple had framed (initials carved into it of course!).
Here's the link until I get some favorite pics posted. Sometimes it's just so hard to choose!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Hello 2011!!!!

I've been trying to catch up with photos and such. Most of my stuff ends up on our facebook page. There seems to be MUCH more space there for photos (kinda essential to a photo blog, right?) So, if you get a chance, look us up over there :)

We are expecting another boy in April!!!!!!! So, pretty much the spring wedding season is going to be out for us :( We have a few that were scheduled last year that we still honor, but I think with a new baby, full time jobs, full time school, and a photo business we might wait until fall to pick up weddings again. On another note - I can't wait for the one in October! It's going to be great. A dear friend of mine is FINALLY getting hitched! We've only been waiting YEARS ;) jk. We're very happy for them and can't wait for the day to finally get here. That wedding will be in Greensburg, I believe. It could be in Alaska for all I care, we'll be there!!! :)

Keli & Bobby

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October 2010
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Hopefully I can get the photos uploaded on this blogger account! I'm really getting quite frustrated with photo limitations on here! Blah. Anyway, we closed out the fall wedding season with a whopper of a party. Needless to say I had NO IDEA what kind of fun was to be had! I guess I should have though, after all we were in Switzerland County, a place very dear to my heart full of folks that know how to have a good time! The wedding was at Caledonia Presbyterian Church, very close to Moorefield, IN. The reception was held at the Moorefield Fire Hall, where the bride's father, who usually has to organize these kind of things, got the chance to throw himself a party! :) What a party! I have never seen so much food & dancing in my life at a wedding! They even had bagpipes at the church. It was so entertaining and wonderful to watch. I really really enjoyed the night! The cake was done by Thera & Josh South of The Cake Factory of Vevay, IN. Hair was done by Asia Covington.

Darn, can't get the pics up.... I'll try back later!

Amy & Chris

July 31st, 2010

This was another beautiful wedding in Downtown Madison. It is actually our own anniversary and we were very excited to share in someone else's journey! Amy and Chris are a very cute couple and made sure everyone had a blast, from hair and makeup to the last dance! It was great to spend the day with these wonderful families! The girls hair was done at Stylz Unlimited, the wedding at Prince of Peace and the reception at the Knights of Columbus.